Review of Security Factors for Medical Record Files in View of The Behavior of Officer at Puskesmas X Sampang Regency


  • Dimas Aulia Savitri STIKes Ngudia Husada Madura
  • Nurul Khatimah Ismatullah Politeknik Medica Farma Husada Mataram


Security, Confidentiality, Medical record documents


Medical record file security involves danger and damage to the medical record document itself. Aspects of damage include physical, chemical and biological aspects to unauthorized third party access. The aim of this research is to look at the factors causing unsafe medical record files at Puskesmas X Sampang Regency. This type of research is a qualitative description. Data was collected using checklist observations and interviews. The research results showed that there were still many medical record files damaged by termites and also piled up in boxes on the floor. Temperature and humidity conditions in the medical records room are in the range 18⁰C - 28⁰C. The absence of any writing that entry is prohibited other than medical records officers resulted in many officers going in and out of the filling room. There is no air conditioning or fan in the room, there are no temperature and humidity measuring devices or camphor to prevent the files from being eaten by paper-eating animals. According to Azzahra (2020), one of the factors that influence individual behavior is social support. Social support provided by individuals who have a better level of education is able to change the health behavior of those who have fewer resources. Azam (2019) also stated that in order to support the security of medical record files in the filling room, it is necessary to have equipment that protects files from the dangers of dust, animals, fire and the loss of untraceable medical record documents.


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How to Cite

Dimas Aulia Savitri, & Nurul Khatimah Ismatullah. (2025). Review of Security Factors for Medical Record Files in View of The Behavior of Officer at Puskesmas X Sampang Regency. International Journal of Medical Information and Knowledge Insights, 1(1), 12–19. Retrieved from