UI/UX Design of Website-Based Electronic Medical Records in Midwife Independent Practices


  • Desi Syahbaniar Institut Teknologi Kesehatan Malang Widya Cipta Husada
  • Aditya Galih Agustin Institut Teknologi Kesehatan Malang Widya Cipta Husada
  • Irma Wulandari Institut Teknologi Kesehatan Malang Widya Cipta Husada
  • Indana Zulfa Institut Teknologi Kesehatan Malang Widya Cipta Husada
  • Melati Ayu Pratiwi Institut Teknologi Kesehatan Malang Widya Cipta Husada


User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), User Centered Design (UCD), User Experience Qeustionnaire(UEQ), Electronic Medical Records (EMR)


Implementing EMR improves the efficiency and quality of healthcare services. The success of an EMR is supported by UI/UX design. Objective: This study aims to design a web-based EMR UI/UX at PMB Sri Wahyuni that aligns with user needs. Methods: This study is a level 1 R&D research using UCD and UEQ methods. Primary data were collected through interviews, observations, and distribution of questionnaires from all four staff members at PMB Sri Wahyuni. PMB Sri Wahyuni currently does not have an EMR system. Issues include unstructured registration, incomplete identification data, difficulty accessing patient history, and inefficient data processing. The UI/UX design comprises four main menus: dashboard, services, master data, and account. UEQ scores were: attractiveness (2.292); pragmatic quality (2.250), with perspicuity (2.313), efficiency (2.375), dependability (2.063); hedonic quality (2.156), with stimulation (2.250), novelty (2.063). PMB Sri Wahyuni requires a web-based EMR to resolve current issues. The UI/UX design aligns with user needs, achieving excellent benchmark results. The highest group score was attractiveness (2.292), and the highest aspect score was efficiency (2.375). PMB Sri Wahyuni should implement the EMR, advancing the UI/UX design to the development stage while maintaining high UEQ scores.


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How to Cite

Desi Syahbaniar, Aditya Galih Agustin, Irma Wulandari, Indana Zulfa, & Melati Ayu Pratiwi. (2025). UI/UX Design of Website-Based Electronic Medical Records in Midwife Independent Practices . International Journal of Medical Information and Knowledge Insights, 1(1), 01–11. Retrieved from https://ijmiki.org/index.php/IJMIKI/article/view/1

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